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Quotes are delayed, as of September 16, 2024, 01:20:48 PM CDT or prior.
Texas USDA Newswire
Wheat Collapsing at Monday’s Midday -

Wheat futures are posting sharp Monday losses of double digits at midday. Chicago SRW futures are down 18 to 19 cents on the day. KC HRW is 16 to 18

Hogs Pushing Higher on Monday -

Lean hog futures are trading with 22 cent to $1.02 higher trade so far on Monday. The national average base hog price was reported at $75.00 on

Cotton Rallying the Limit on Monday -

Cotton futures are posting limit gains of 300 points across the front months on Monday. The dollar index is down 485 points so far, with crude oil

Corn Facing Monday Weakness -

Corn futures are trading with weakness to start the week, as December takes over as the front month. Contracts are down 2 to 3 ½ cents across most

Soybeans Falling After Multi-Year Low in NOPA Crush -

Soybeans are facing some midday pressure, following this morning’s NOPA report. Futures are down 3 to 4 cents in the nearbys. Front month Soymeal

Cattle Trading Mixed on Monday -

Live cattle futures are trading with 2 to 25 cent lower trade so far on Monday. Cash trade last week saw sales of $180-182 reported in the South,

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The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange